
I have a thirst for you, an emptiness I can’t seem to fulfill. Since we parted, since we agreed on our terms, I’ve been searching for you and avoiding you like a ride in a rollercoaster, but lately it seems I’m going steady, near the ground, and I just wanted to raise my arms and reach you, in any way, to feel a bit higher. I just wish you could pick me up, for a little while. Where are you? How are you? I miss your face, your sad eyes contrasting with your bright smile. I miss the rough lines of your cheekbones and the kind texture of your hair. I miss your hands, on my hands, on my body, on me. I’m eager, I’m starving. There’s nothing here. All this stuff around me means nothing. I need your light. I’m stuck in the emptiness of things. I want something. And you were my everything.

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