

Every time I look back, I realized that I was in fact happy once. I think it’s more than accurate to say that ignorance is bliss; it is actually the very bearable lightness of being. Knowledge won’t free your mind, for nothing’s as purer as a child’s vision of the world and its surroundings; and nobody’s born taught.

I think I was happy once. God, it was so long ago. I’m not even sure it was me, not positively sure it was in this lifetime. But I guess I didn’t know much about life in general and human beings in particular. I thought people were good; they all deserved a second chance. I thought love was simple and nice. I thought dreams came true. I thought I would get things if I were good.

Growing pains never really stop hurting. You just start learning how to deal with the pain and it starts to be a daily guest in your body, mind and soul. I guess I was happy once, but I’m glad I’m not that person any more; at least I know where to fall now. For better and worse, I evolved. And now, now I’m not scared at all.

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